Lab Members

Liliana Quintanar

Principal Investigator

  • B.Sc.: School of Chemistry, National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico.
  • PhD: Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, USA.
  • Postdoc: Institute for Cell Physiology, UNAM, Mexico.
  • Sabbatical: Department of Biology, MIT, USA.
  • Professor/Researcher: Department of Chemistry, Cinvestav, Mexico

Atenea Christial Villegas Vargas

Research Assistant

B. Sc. Chemistry, University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Yanahi Posadas Torrentera

Postdoctoral Researcher

B. Sc.: Industrial Pharmaceutical Chemistry, National Polytechnical Institute (IPN), Mexico.

M. Sc:. Pharmacology, Cinvestav, Mexico.

PhD: Pharmacology, Cinvestav, Mexico.

Current project: “Role of Cellular Prion Protein in the S-nytrosylation of NMDAR and effect of amyloid beta peptide”.​

Martín Eduardo Tovar Ramírez

PhD Student

B. Sc.: Department of Biology, University of Guanajuato, Mexico.

PhD student: Department of Chemistry, Cinvestav, Mexico.

Current project: “Effect of post-translational modifications on the thermal stability of β/γ-crystallins and their role on the copper-induced aggregation”.

Victor Eulogio López Guerrero

PhD Student

B. Sc.: Department of Chemistry, Univeristy of Aguascalientes, Mexico.

M. Sc.: Institute of Chemistry, UNAM, Mexico.

PhD student: Department of Physiology, Biophysics and Neurosciences, Cinvestav, Mexico.

Current Project: “Study of the interaction between Copper and Zinc-PrPc complexes with NMDARs”

Nils Schuth

DFG postdoctoral fellow

Dr. rer. nat.: Department of Physics, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany.

Postdoc researcher: Department of Chemistry, Cinvestav, Mexico.

Current Project: “Characterization of metal-protein interaction through synchrotron-based spectroscopy”

Gerardo Ulises Juárez Romero

PhD student

B. Sc.: Industrial chemical engineering, National Polytechnical Institute (IPN), Mexico

PhD student: Department of Chemistry, Cinvestav, Mexico.

Eusebio Uc

PhD Student

B.E.: Chemical Engineering Faculty, Yucatan Autonomous University (UADY)

PhD student: Department of Chemistry, Cinvestav, Mexico.